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Rhipsalis baccifera is one of the many variants of “mistletoe cacti” this is a wide

ranging family of thornless cacti. This particular variety produces long smooth branch arms that branch out in draping arm clusters as it matures, this plants branches are thicker than it’s similar looking cousin Rhipsalis capillifomis. This plant can also produce single small (1cm) white flowers under the right circumstances. These are really fun unique looking plants that do great indoors under bright indirect light.


In their natural setting they are epiphytic, just like hoya, that means that they grow in the cracks and crevices of trees in central and South American jungles, as such they require similar care and conditions as hoyas.


If you have any issues with your order please reach out within the first 48 hours with pictures and descriptions of the plant(s). Please note, while we make every effort to package your plants with care it is not unusual to have a few damaged leaves during the shipping process, as these are live plants. Some plants are less tolerant of the stress of shipping than others, and may arrive looking limp, but they should recover quickly with proper care and time to acclimate to your home.

Rhipsalis Burchellii

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